2 brown figs
1 tspoon tahini
1/2 banana

handful of blueberries
5 thick cucumber slices (peeled unless organic)
1 kale leaf
splash of coconut milk/water
1 tbspoon of Sun Warrior Vanilla protein powder (raw, vegan).
1 tspoon mila seeds.

The key with this smoothie is to get a good balance of cucumber/ice/coco water to the thicker ingredients like tahini and figs. You want to make sure to keep the sugar to a minimum by only adding 1/2 a banana. The greens give you a boost of vitamins, the figs your fiber, the banana your potassium and the tahini gives you some good fats that will keep you satiated till lunch!

Remember with all smoothies: protein powders, superfoods and seeds are a powerful addition but end of the day OPTIONAL.

Blend, sip, feel fabulous!