Are you one of those people, who like me, has had the intention to start a daily meditation practice but just can’t figure out how to make it happen?

I felt just like you up until last week. I downloaded an app, I got mp3 tracks from friends, I read about different techniques and I even had it on my to-do list, but every time I sat down to do it, I felt like I was doing something wrong.

Until this past weekend, where I spent a whole weekend meditating with a whole group of people at the Daily Love Live event. A lot of the weekend was about getting in touch with your heart, which I apparently hadn’t been (more on this in my post “emotional weight”). But what was awesome was that along the way, I discovered a new found love for meditation which instantly sparked me to start a 2 min daily meditation practice. 

And you know what I discovered? I didn’t need ohms and aahs and certain vibrational frequencies and voices telling me I am radiant and magnificent. All I needed was to sit still with my hands on my heart and say “Heart, I gotcha.” It was that simple. 

So all week, I’ve been waking up, drinking a large glass of lemon water, and while I wait for my coffee to brew, I check in with my heart and let her know that no matter what happens today, no matter who comes or goes, I gotcha.

Maybe, it’s just that simple for you. Check in and see what do you need these days? Do you need to calm your mind? Do you need to give your heart more of a voice? Do you need to feel safe? Centered? Connected? Warm? Held? Loved? Blessed? Grateful? And find your unique way of holding that space for yourself for 2 minutes while your coffee brews (…ok fine, or your green tea seeps.)