➡️ Cold DMing people is the marketing equivalent of getting a dick pick. Stop it.
➡️ Pointing out only people’s pain is a sure way to get codependent needy clients.
… And to become their surrogate parent or guru/savior.
➡️ Your Sales Page is a transmission of you. You don’t walk into a bar and scream “I’m looking for a boyfriend!!!!”. You strut in, confident and smile. If someone who feels good to you strikes a conversation, you share about yourself. If they seem weird, you say “no thank you.”
➡️ Abundance is about feeling rich. Not being rich. (Which incidentally CAN happen when your bank account looks rich.)
➡️ A Sales conversation should feel like the BEST first date ever… Not the one where he takes you to a bright lit counter service place to grab a $10 salad while he asks about how many babies you want.
➡️ Following up with “maybes” too many times is the equivalent of being that person that has sent 10 texts to someone who is clearly not interested… or just not by their phone.
➡️ Claiming YOUR method is the answer is like telling every single man on the street why YOU make the best girlfriend.
➡️ Not having clear boundaries about no-shows is like giving the guy who ghosted you last week another chance. DON’T DO IT.
… You can be sure that the client who was difficult to pin down during your enrollment process will be equally difficult to find when their credit card doesn’t go through for the 5th time.
➡️ Don’t send someone 10 emails within the first week of signing up for your free resource. That’s like texting someone 10 times after a first date. Breath. Let them integrate the experience of your awesomeness. THEN follow-up.
➡️ You’re not going to masturbate your way to millions without a plan. Keep the vision board and pleasure. But give it a structure to live in.
➡️ Be a walking invitation for what’s possible instead of an infomercial of all the things that could go wrong.
Let’s Embody the new paradigm of Leadership & Embodied Business.
(P.S. We go deeper into this in my Envision Workshop ($33)… Embodied Power through Wholeness. Get it here.)