As feminine creatures, our deepest power is our heart and our biggest ally is our body.
But the problem is… that’s not what you were taught.
You grew up in a post-feminist era where you were instructed to toughen up, roll up your sleeves and get it done.
You were taught that emotionality is weak and to truly “win” you need to “conquer” shit.
You were programmed to believe that your body was the obstacle to your goal – when it’s actually your most powerful compass.
You were taught:
⪢ To stay small and quiet and you’ll be safe.
⪢ To say “yes” even when you desperately wanted to say “no”.
⪢ Not to trust your intuition and anything mystical was simply your imagination.
⪢That working hard was the only way to gain power, respect and safety.
⪢ To suck it up and suppress emotions or else you wouldn’t be taken seriously.
⪢ To hold your breath and contract.
⪢ To ignore your feminine rhythms and cycles so you could succeed in a “man’s world.”
And so here we are…
In a world that has been sucked dry from our most precious resource…
Our life force, our shakti, our erotic energy.
Where our hearts are closed,
Our pleasure is last on the to-do list,
And our planet is sick.
We cannot standby and let this happen.
Our role as healers, teachers, and business owners in 2022 is to create a paradigm of pleasure, a movement led by Embodied Wholeness Principles and a world around us that remembers what truly matters.
Embody by Nadia is my signature Mentorship Program for Leaders & Entrepreneurs ready to deepen and expand their service to the world through embodiment.
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