This week I’m in the beautiful home of the Fire Goddess Pele… HAWAII!
I’ve been soaking in the vast beauty of lava, palm trees and aloha-ness. This weekend I’ll be swimming with dolphins and riding horseback through a beautiful valley. It’s just divine and so so so juicy.
NEARLY as juicy as today’s interview in The Pleasure Sessions with Ellie Aaron.Ellie is a yoga teacher, a pole-dancer and a student of spirituality. Her views on spirituality, religion and sensuality are so profound and I just had to share her with you! Ellie has an amazeballs podcast you must also check out called The Ellie Aaron Hour.
Oh my gawwwdd ladies. Ellie and I dive super deep into the connection between spirituality and sexuality in this conversation. Because lord knows we have been taught that the two CANNOT possible coexist, let alone FUEL each other.
In this interview, we dive into:
- The myth that SEX & SIN are synonymous
- How pole-dancing is connected to your creative juices
- The duel between body and mind, and how to SOLVE it.
- And so much more!
The first few minutes we hit a few internet turbulence, as I like to call it, but stick around because it gets really juicy right after.
You can watch it by clicking >>HERE<<
Want to tune in on-the-go, grab the Mp3 >>HERE<<
And as always, share with us what you took away from our chat by leaving a comment on here or a message on our FACEBOOK wall. It might be super helpful for someone else here!
P.S. And let me know, are you digging these interviews?
Is there anything you’d like to see more or less of? Anyone specific you want to hear from? Just press reply and let your voice be heard!