This past weekend, I spent some time in sacred ceremony with my roommate. My intention was to get a clearer understanding of how to navigate the stuckness I was feeling about particular pieces of my business. But it didn’t look like what you might be imagining – where we silently chanted & prayed & meditated our way to an answer.
I mean we did light candles/pull cards/drum and listen to Kundalini songs BUT we also sang to Mariah Carey/Shania Twain/Better Midler – and twirled, rolled around on the floor and daydreamed about our future soulmates.
I put on rainbow-colored lenses and at one point my roommate took our lotus-shaped altar cloth and wrapped it around her head to declare she was now a babushka – and then we proceeded to laugh until we cried.
This, to me, was reminiscent of my childhood. A time when I sang and dressed up and expressed myself freely without worrying about what it looked or sounded like…
Where I didn’t have to worry about hitting deadlines…
Or filling a program…
Or making enough money for rent…
Or being judged for being lazy.
I was a child and play was my deepest mode of expression and my fiercest truth.
And yet so often, I forget to be playful.
Especially in my business. Because there is a mode of operation that we got taught by a parent or in school… and then at our jobs…
… that work had to be serious to be productive and that we would be punished if we didn’t produce results and that profit trumps play always.
And look where that got us!
(Little me with my Dad rockin’ a serious Tom Selleck ‘stache)
Today, as Americans celebrate a holiday that’s all about fun & play in the sunshine, it felt like a good time to honor another Embody archetype: that of our inner little girl.
She is the part of our internal army that fights the message we have gotten that PLAY IS UNPRODUCTIVE.
She is our simple truth & our raw essence.
She is the champion of our expression & our worthiness,
and the lover of the most divine & simple of pleasures.
Her weapon of choice might be giggles or just a good old hissy fit.
But whatever she does, she does it with unapologetic TRUTH and MESSINESS and HEART.
So after the night I had with my roommate, I realized I needed to inject my business with more play – which is part of why I’m playing this week – with taking on the perspectives of the different archetypes.
And I gotta say, little me REALLY brought it with the lessons.
What about you?
What medicine does your inner little girl want to bring you? Can you feel it?
And if nothing else, take some time today to stretch yourself deeper into play and notice where you might find her in your body? In your toes? Your fingers? Your belly? Your heart?
And let me know…
Sending you giggles & skips & rainbow-tainted sunglasses TODAY and always.
P.S. Embody Teacher Training is accepting applications for another week. If you’re wanting to explore your Inner Little Girl and the other archetypes in Embody while training to facilitate this experience at YOUR workshops & retreats, you can apply HERE.