I don’t care about having a perfectly curated instagram profile.
I don’t care about the consistency in which I post about my epiphanies.
I don’t care about sharing my clients’ results with you to prove to you I’m good at what I do.
I don’t care about the likes, the shares, the followers, the retweets.
I don’t care about your formulas, your pressure to have me constantly strategize every fucking step.
In fact, I feel violated by it.
The truth is everything in the world feels like a violation right now.
And I’m suddenly hyperconscious to all of it.
How every single piece of our modern life is constructed to revere the toxic masculine.
How every single system perpetuates suffering.
How every single paradigm asks us to walk away from our truth.
We are pressured to sell or consume.
We are pressured to prove or show up prim, proper and polite.
We are pressured to pretend.
And I’m on my knees because I just can’t do it anymore.
In my body it feels like a gun is constantly being pointed at my head. Like there is simply no way to survive if you don’t succumb to some (or all) of these pressures. Like I’m in an abusive relationship with my business.
But when I really sit with it, I KNOW my business is NOT what’s abusive. It is the system she has to survive in. Similar to an abusive partner, the root of the problem is not them, it’s the world they grew up in.
The reality is my business is my partner these days. I feel nurtured and supported by her as much as I feel completely imprisoned. We fight a lot. We negotiate a lot. And there have been times where I have threatened to walk away. And yet, each time she pulls me back in.
It feels abusive. But when I look at what Embody is doing for the world, I know this isn’t true. We are bound for life. She has been changing the lives of hundreds of woman and soon that will be thousands. She’s trying to survive, to bloom, to flourish but keeps getting trampled. Her essence is feminine and yet she is trying to show up in the world as a masculine entity. And we are both suffering as a result. Every few months, something new shifts little by little as we deepen into our true identity as a partnership, as a movement and as a philosophy. And my devotion remains. Because devoting myself to Embody is devoting myself to a world that allows the feminine to coexist with the masculine in embodied union.
Here’s what I know:
I stand for alignment to your truth.
I stand for sensual nourishment and embodied power.
I stand for permission to show up in your full range.
I stand for feminine flow and cyclical living.
I stand for a remembering of our primal bodies and instincts.
I stand for connection and community, not competition.
I stand for pleasure not painfully controlled strategies.
I stand for loving our messy and dark as much as our playful and shiny.
I stand for cultivating my own capacity to hold pleasure, pain, power and play in my body so that I can be a container for you to cultivate your own capacity.
I stand for investing in my own coaches, not a new fancy website.
I stand for working the soil of my emotional body not what outfit I’m going to wear in my branding shoot.
I stand for deep connection to your soul and your purpose, not promises of a 6 figure business.
I want you to feel free to show up in your wholeness.
I want you to grant yourself permission to spend time and money in seeing yourself, discovering who you truly are.
I want you to deepen into a feeling of peace and faith that surpasses likes and shares and all the other noise out there.
I want you to hear the music that lives inside you.
I want you to taste the joy of your own song.
I want you to smell the scent of your own poetry.
I want you to touch the impossible
And see the beauty that is your heart.
It starts with you and me working together but it’s bigger than just our realities. This is about a revolution, a ripple effect in the world. By showing up in your sovereignty, your pleasure and your unapologetic truth, you are granting permission to others to do the same. This is what keeps me going even in the moments when I feel I have a gun pointed at me. In fact, even more so. It lights a goddamn fire under my ass to make the changes I want to see in the world THIS LIFETIME. It’s time.
In the first half of 2019, I’m taking on only FIVE 1:1 coaching clients in order to focus on the bigger vision of Embody as a feminine business and feisty change-maker that plans to help topple the patriarchy. I’m booking these clients starting now.
If you identify as a woman leader and rebelle and are feeling a deep pull to work with a guide like myself, and you are ready for a no-BS mirror that expands your presence, your power and your pleasure in this world, I’m ready for you. Let’s chat.
(Please know that my style of coaching has a much range as I do. In devotion of your growth, I am equal parts super nurturing as well as a tough mirror to your blind spots. I do not coddle, do any accountability coaching or excuse misalignment. I only work with leaders & change-makers who believe that investing in themselves is the way to change the world.)