…And it’s what I brag about the least,
Interestingly 😎.
Perhaps, it’s my fear of celebrating something so precious to me and then losing it.
Or worrying that no one will believe me.
Perhaps, I’m scared of people’s envy.
Or I sometimes feel “undeserving”.
Perhaps, I don’t feel entitled to brag until it’s been 25 years of “success”.
It’s probably a little bit of all…
But what feels the most true is that I’m often just at a loss of words at what a ✨miracle✨ it is.
Every day I am surprised.
.. By our ability to navigate life so smoothly – even when shit gets SO sticky.
.. By our bottomless passion for each other.
.. By our ever-deepening respect for each others’ sovereignty.
And the devotion to Love above all.
I am in awe of how we can just be ourselves no matter.
And be loved in that (though not always liked 😝).
It took years of us doing our individual work,
Him grounding into his unwavering power.
And me centering my devotion to Love above all.
They say partnership takes work…
I honestly don’t find our relationship to be work.
It’s devotional.
It’s a practice.
It’s a way of being.
And a way of loving ourselves while loving each other and loving the world around us.
It is a way of balancing our yin and yang.
It is a way of coming together in Embodied Union.
For the world.
And that feels natural.
And easy.
And like it’s always been.
It feels more like a remembering than a learning.
More like an exhale than an inhale.
More being, less doing.
The hard work is the de-programming, the releasing, the shedding of anything that isn’t you.
After that, it’s not work.
It’s just being.
And that is something Chris & I excel at.
Individually and together.
Well… he does more being, I do more feeling, let’s be real 🤣.
I’m scared to share that it can be this easy.
But it really can.
… After you’ve done the hard work of liberating all that is stopping you from being your authentic self.