Each month we feature one of our Embody Teachers. This month is Samia El Meouchi!
Samia teaches Embody classes in Beirut, Lebanon.
Samia’s first Embody class with Nadia was the stepping-stone to her ongoing journey on the path of embodiment and self-discovery. Prior to that, she had been a lawyer for 15 years and had ended up being disembodied and disconnected from her true self. Through her ongoing personal journey of self-discovery and healing, which included working with Nadia as her coach and mentor, and uncovering her truth and her gifts, she is now aspiring to become a healer and hopes to be of service to as many as possible. She is a firm believer in the healing power of love, kindness, and compassion, fiercely devoted to womanhood, and hopes that she will have the honor of guiding you through an Embody journey someday.
Samia completed teacher training this year and she’s just taught her first sold-out class!
For information on Samia’s classes in Beirut, check out @samiou22.