No, really.
Humans are acting like RAGING NARCISSISTS.
So much so that Nature has literally put certain countries in a time out.
Humans have reached an unprecedented level of arrogance.
Our illusion of separation and elevation is what will (and has) pulled us into the deepest and lowest point in history.
Our complete disregard of the ecosystem we are GUESTS in is precisely what will extinct our entire species.
When I look around and see everything that is diseasing our global body, I see EXTRACTION as our number one problem.
Everything that is poisoning us as a species comes from an arrogant attitude of TAKING.
Taking like we are somehow entitled to feed our never-ending appetites as nonchalantly as buying a big gulp from 7/11.
We are not here to just take.
This PRESUMES we are somehow more important, more entitled than the ants, the bees and the fungi growing around us.
We are slurping, inhaling, pulling, sucking, plucking, cutting like hungry monsters.
What about the other half of the equation?!
We should be offering, exhaling, giving, allowing, creating, planting, including and seeding.
Every single problem we have right now was seeded in an air of EXTRACTION AND ENTITLEMENT.
From single-use plastics to sexual abuse to modern-day slavery.
Social media selling our behavior to the highest bidders.
Politicians selling our bodies to Big Pharma.
Our bosses selling our life force to profit margins.
When we started talking about The Feminine Rising many years ago, everyone misread this as a female empowerment thing.
This has literally nothing to do with gender.
(Although, as a woman, I will take this moment to remind the world that we are still waiting for the rest of our dollar and would like to be compensated for all those meals that magically pop on the dinner table. And yes, we are charging overtime for 2020.)
When we talk about a new paradigm of leadership, we are talking about regenerative, connected, loving, balanced practices in COHESION with our ecosystem.
When we talk about a new paradigm of leadership, we are talking about starting with the EXHALE- then inhaling into action. Not the other way round.
When we talk about a new paradigm of leadership, we are talking about bringing online our compassionate heart and our deep-rooted, immeasurable connection with the SPIRIT OF NATURE.
My signature program, The Embody Certification, is opening its doors soon.
This is the type of leadership we are cultivating in this program.