I teach Embodiment because I believe embodied humans will heal our planet.
We have gotten to where we are because of EXTRACTION.
The Extraction of the Sacred.
The Extraction of the Divine.
We have removed God out of the equation.
Every problem we have can be traced back to a “taking” energy.
Where does “taking” come from?
From the illusion of separation.
Where does separation begin?
When we disconnect from our bodies.
Our bodies… the bridge with nature,
The portal into oneness.
with earth consciousness.
with the web of life.
So when I reconnect humans back into their bodies,
I am reconnecting them to their divinity,
to an experience of ONENESS.
And when you feel oneness, you CANNOT keep living life as usual.
And from here everything will change.
You think twice about every single move you make.
And how it affects the web of life.
From here you open and it all begins to make sense.
And this is how, one by one, we will heal our planet.
I’m here for your personal upgrades and your individual success.
I’m here for mine.
AND I’m also here for our collective upgrade and our collective success.
Which means less extraction and more cohesion,
Which means less “me me me” and more “we we we”,
Which means less overriding your body to GET what you want and more allying with your body to FEEL what you want.
That’s what we’re doing over here in the Embody world.
If you’re interested in joining the movement, reach out.
Whether you’ve got $100 to invest or $10,000 to invest.
We have resources for you.
Are You Clear About Why You Are Coaching?