Are You Clear About Why You Are Coaching?

I teach Embodiment because I believe embodied humans will heal our planet.⁠

We have gotten to where we are because of EXTRACTION.⁠

The Extraction of the Sacred.⁠

The Extraction of the Divine.⁠

We have removed God out of the equation.⁠

Every problem we have can be traced back to a “taking” energy.⁠

Where does “taking” come from?⁠
From the illusion of separation.⁠

Where does separation begin?⁠
When we disconnect from our bodies.⁠

Our bodies… the bridge with nature, ⁠
The portal into oneness.

with earth consciousness.⁠
with the web of life.⁠

So when I reconnect humans back into their bodies, ⁠
I am reconnecting them to their divinity, ⁠
to an experience of ONENESS.⁠

And when you feel oneness, you CANNOT keep living life as usual.⁠
And from here everything will change.⁠

You think twice about every single move you make.⁠
And how it affects the web of life.⁠

From here you open and it all begins to make sense. ⁠

And this is how, one by one, we will heal our planet.⁠

I’m here for your personal upgrades and your individual success.⁠

I’m here for mine.⁠

AND I’m also here for our collective upgrade and our collective success.⁠

Which means less extraction and more cohesion,⁠

Which means less “me me me” and more “we we we”,⁠

Which means less overriding your body to GET what you want and more allying with your body to FEEL what you want.⁠

That’s what we’re doing over here in the Embody world.⁠

If you’re interested in joining the movement, reach out.⁠

Whether you’ve got $100 to invest or $10,000 to invest. ⁠
We have resources for you.⁠