Somewhere along the way we forgot that everything is Holy. That everything is Sacred.
We have allowed the pharmaceutical companies and the tech giants and the money hungry forces to strip away our connection to THE DIVINE.
We have allowed them to convince us that we are not whole and that we are not connected. That our bodies’ intelligence is untrustable and that holistic and indigenous ways are ARCHAIC and somehow less valid.
That we have something broken we need to fix. And that THEY – not nature – have the answer for us.
There is a war being WAGED on our bodies and our history.
On our remembering and on our heart’s intelligence.
The Er*tic and the Holistic is being censored by EVERY SINGLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION ONLINE RIGHT NOW!
This is the last fucking hoorah for the EXTRACTIVE SYSTEMS. The last attempt to inject you with their poison so that you fully abandon yourself and as a result, mama earth.
The Er*tic is simply EROS. LIFE FORCE. Being sucked out of us.
The Holistic is simply the WEB OF LIFE. Interconnectedness. The bridge… Being blown up.
Both of these are THE FEMININE.
And she is being extracted, sucked, plucked milked and raped.
I don’t know the ultimate answer on how we can right our wrongs.
But what I do know is that embodied humans will heal the planet.
And I wake up each day and devotionally do embodiment work…
The work of bringing people back to their bodies’ wisdom. Their divinity. Their intelligence.
And I trust that a human – embodied and connected – is a human ready to offer their life for mama earth, or at least consider her as they live theirs.
Censorship of Erotic & Holistic