Embody Teacher Feature – Stephanie W.

Each month we feature one of our Embody Teachers. This month is Stephanie Wagner!

In early 2019, Stephanie found herself facing a significant crossroad. Her children were graduating high school, a major professional contract was coming to a close, and she felt instinctively that it was time to live the second half of her life differently. She craved more joy, more delight, more playfulness, and to step fully into her feminine power. Through a series of training and coaching sessions, she found her place as a healer of women.

Stephanie became certified to teach Embody as a compliment to her coaching and Reiki practice, and as a way to help support women as they unleash the undeniable strength that is their birthright. Embody is a space to shed the rules, the shoulds and shouldn’ts, and the competitiveness that sometimes exists in the outside world. Stephanie can’t wait to welcome you into her class, just as you are, because that is more than enough already.

For information on Stephanie’s classes in northern Michigan, please email stephaniewagner11@yahoo.com.