I’m excited to announce that….
Embody Teacher Training is now accepting applications for Spring 2018 !! ! !!
But first I want to share a story with you…
A story about feeling heavy, unsafe and disconnected in your body …
And how a simple practice can shift you into lightness and expansion.
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She looked at me sweaty, smiling and with glistening tears in her eyes and said “You know, I’ve never really felt my palms before.”
We had just finished an Embody class and the voice belonged to a beautiful business coach who ran an incredibly successful practice.
I was floored.
I mean, I’ve had women share with me their most moving moments of class:
The moment they imagined looking into the eyes of their 5 year-old self and felt pure unconditional love…
The moment they traced the curve of their own hips and felt a deep reverence for their feminine body…
The moment where they were able to throw out the polite girl and reach in for the angry warrior ready to step into her full power.
But never, really, never had I even thought about the profound impact one sentence could have on a student. That one touch of her palm on her body completely shifted her into an experience of connection.
I was so touched. And humbled. And reminded that the power of embodiment is so healing.
In my own personal life, I’ve had a challenging & heartbreaking few months (which I promise I’ll share about more very soon.)
And my ability to remain connected to every single sense, every single momentary wave of emotion that washed over my body, every single attempt in my body to contract and shut down… it was this connection that helped me survive one of the most challenging times of my life.
In fact, I didn’t just survive. I thrived.
And this isn’t just about me. This is the medicine that the world needs right now!
This is about moving away from just the collective righteous rage we’ve been feeling (as a result of the news the last few months) and into a place of deep connection to our bodies so we can really perceive our YESes and our NOs and stop feeling powerless in the face of powerful men.
Before I was embodied, I did not know how to even pick up on my body’s signals.
I didn’t know what my needs were.
Or how to cultivate a sense of safety within.
Or know how to nurture my own inner little girl.
I didn’t know how to step into a powerful no without feeling like a bitch.
Or discern whether I wanted to hire that new employee or not.
Or feel intense heartbreak without contracting and shutting down.
And I can’t even tell you how many times I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have sex or not.
And so you can guess what happened. I shrugged and went for it. Only to realize later, oh right yeah that was NOT what I wanted.
I want you to feel that connection so you never have to be unsure, unsafe or unheard. I want that for you. For your sister. And your mother. And your daughter. And have that ripple out into the entire world.
And Embody seems to be my vehicle. My way of giving this back to the world.
Maybe you are ready to deepen your practice and share it with the world?
It’s potent. It’s powerful and it’s filled with oceans of pleasure.
I’m inspired & elated to share that the next round of Embody Teacher Training is now OPEN.
And we’re accepting applications until February 15.
I feel you ready to deepen, to excavate and experience your range in a way you’ve never had before.
I feel you ready to strip off the heaviness. I feel you ready to throw away the story that you will never feel sexy, light or vibrant.
I feel you brave enough to say NO in the face of anything that doesn’t feel good.
Apply to become an Embody Teacher.
Because this is the next step for us. This is the loving weapon that will help us win the war that has been waged against our bodies, our femininity and our body wisdom.
This is how we rearrange the patriarchy into a system that serves and exalts everyone. This is how we build a sustainable life that creates space for our sensual nourishment, our embodied power AND our spreadsheets.
Even if we’ve never met, I adore you. I see you. Because we have all dealt with similar challenges of being silenced, feeling unsafe and being forced to disconnect so we can survive.
But it’s not about survival anymore. It’s time for us to THRIVE.
Join the movement and spread embodiment throughout your being and the being of others.
Be part of the change.
Rise up to the call of pleasure.
It’s your time.
P.S. In the spirit of accessibility, I’ve created new extended payment plans beginning at $249/month. Deets HERE.
For this week only, try a 60 min EMBODY class FREE in your home!