There’s a lot of doing doing doing.
But have you created space for the feeling?
Everyone is running around talking about feminine leadership and embodiment and awakening and bla bla bla
I’m bored about hearing everyone talk about it.
Are you EMBODYING it?
And by that I mean are you exploring your FEELING body?
Or are you spending all day in your DOING body?
What scares you about your FEELING body?
That she will take all your time away?
That she is weak?
That she will deviate you from your 10 year plan?
Spoiler alert: SHE WILL deviate you from your 10 year plan.
Because that plan was hatched purely in your head and your ego. And it’s only partially correct.
Because your body + soul + spirit ALSO are part of the team. But you’ve hidden them away in a closet somewhere.
And they’re yelling at you. They want to come out and play.
They have some magic for you.
If you want 2022 to the year you explore your FEELING body (aka as your feminine)
It’s time we talked.
Embody by Nadia: My signature Mentorship Program for Leaders & Entrepreneurs ready to deepen and expand their service to the world through embodiment.