Enough Doing, Are You Feeling?

There’s a lot of doing doing doing.⁠

But have you created space for the feeling?⁠

Everyone is running around talking about feminine leadership and embodiment and awakening and bla bla bla⁠

I’m bored about hearing everyone talk about it.⁠

Are you EMBODYING it?⁠

And by that I mean are you exploring your FEELING body?⁠

Or are you spending all day in your DOING body?⁠

What scares you about your FEELING body?⁠

That she will take all your time away?⁠

That she is weak?⁠

That she will deviate you from your 10 year plan?⁠

Spoiler alert: SHE WILL deviate you from your 10 year plan.⁠

Because that plan was hatched purely in your head and your ego. And it’s only partially correct.⁠

Because your body + soul + spirit ALSO are part of the team. But you’ve hidden them away in a closet somewhere.⁠

And they’re yelling at you. They want to come out and play.⁠

They have some magic for you.⁠

If you want 2022 to the year you explore your FEELING body (aka as your feminine)⁠

It’s time we talked. ⁠

Embody by Nadia: My signature Mentorship Program for Leaders & Entrepreneurs ready to deepen and expand their service to the world through embodiment.⁠