I made a mistake…

When we first started Embody, I referred to it as a dance class. On the surface level this is true. We dance at Embody. Hence, the name dance class. Obvious.

But that was a mistake.

The word dance itself can intimate so many people.

It would intimidate me.

Have we met? I’m like the least flexible human on earth (at least in my mind!)…
The one that always goes the wrong way during a choreo routine. 
At 8 I was asked to leave my training at the Maryland Youth Ballet because my knees weren’t built to be a dancer, they said.

Embody is movement.
And what I came to find out is that Embody is A movement.

A movement to reclaim what feels good over what looks good.
A movement to liberate ourselves from the bullshit patriarchal rules
A movement to initiate us back into a sense of wholeness.

And if calling it a dance class stopped you from coming and finding yourself, I’m sorry.

I did not serve you.

So here I am letting you know… this is not a dance class and you don’t need to be a dancer ever.

I mean… we’re all dancers but you get what I mean!

Embody – and the movement it allows for – is a reminder that we have the priestess, the wild woman, the sensual siren, the rebellious teenager, the matriarch, the warrior, a sweet inner little girl and witchy magic inside of us.

At all times.

Embody is simply a permission slip to allow them to come out and commune, to come out and express, to come out and play together.

Every single time a woman takes Embody she exhales.
She comes to me and says:
“Through movement, I remembered.”
“Through movement, I reclaimed.”
“Through movement, I woke up.”

In the beautiful conversations I’ve been having with the Embody Certification applicants (which is over half full by the way – and we are still 3 months from starting!), we’ve been talking about the pull, the return to our fundamentals.

Movement is a fundamental. A non-negotiable for our health. A pillar of our happiness.

My mission is to support you in your unique expression in the world. And that starts in your body and in your movement.

There are so many ways you can access this no matter where you are on your journey:

1. [FREE] Follow Embody on Spotify and dance to our playlists in your living room with breath as your focus.
2. [Under $10] Take it up a notch and take an Embody-at-Home where I guide you to freedom with my voice.
3. [Under $100 but currently free!] Join us in the Embody Collective here. With over 80 woman signed up, you are bound to find sisterhood and sensuality in this space. We are running a 30-day free trial.

This is simply a reminder that movement requires nothing of you but devotion to your expression and your health.

Loving you… 2020 is nearly over… and things are looking up.

You got this.