There is no doubt that we are witnessing massive shifts in a system that has previously held us prisoner.
What it means to be a woman is changing. Finally.
We are seeing the rattling of old beliefs and the dismantling of a paradigm that taught us that being a woman meant disconnecting from our range. And therefore disconnecting from our power and our truth.
Our bodies are built to channel the erotic, to get nourished in play, to find genius in our emotionality and to lead from intuition.
It is our birthright to embrace our FULL range. (See how here)
But we’ve had messages that have kept us small and contracted. We’ve been stuck living in an old paradigm of what it means to be a woman.
Think about it:
How often do you find yourself thinking any (or all) of these thoughts?
“I’m having a good time but I really need to get back to work”
“No pain, no gain!”
“Am I drawing too much attention?”
“Will they think I’m too much?”
“Just look down and keep walking.”
This is the world we live in as women….
…One that clearly plasters crippling messages onto our bodies and into our psyches:
Our Sensual & Erotic essence is dangerous.
Play is Unproductive
Feminine Intuition and Body Wisdom is just woo witchery.
We are all walking around, disconnected from parts of us because we are worried we’ll be too much. We were taught that all of us is not welcome.
Your sensual needs to be tucked away at work.
Your body needs to be managed.
Play is for after-hours.
Emotionality is a sign of weakness.
And through witnessing my own journey and that of thousands of other women, I can stand firmly behind the belief that OUR RANGE IS OUR POTENTIAL. If you aren’t accessing your full range, you aren’t accessing your full potential.
I’m on a mission to create safe spaces for women to explore their full range.
In November, I am bringing together an intimate group of women who are ready to step up and into a new paradigm of leadership that weaves together feminine flow, sensuality, embodied ecstasy and radical responsibility to create a better world for themselves and those around them.
Through a combination of embodiment practices, holistic health and deep mastery of feminine leadership…
You’ll learn how to identify your soul’s desires & how to integrate masculine hustle and feminine flow so you can realize those desires.
You’ll deepen your connection to your body so you are both finally on the same team, which means you can stop wasting precious time & energy fighting your body… and instead actualize your full potential.
You’ll melt away the stress that arises from overwhelm, comparison and self-judgement so you can finally put yourself first for once…and feel confident in your decisions.
This is not more information.
You are not broken and I’m not here to “fix” you.
You are whole and everything you need is inside you already.
This is about bringing you back home.
This is about creating a safe space where all of you is welcome.
If you’re feeling lit up & ready to reclaim yourself, read all about it and book a time to talk with me HERE.