Saturday night, I was having dinner with my new friend @jennysansouci and we found ourselves doing what most women might do on a Saturday night… talking about orgasms.
At the end of the whole thing, she looked at me stunned and said “Nadia, I had NO idea this was possible in sex. You need to be talking more about this!”
I do.
I talk about a lot of things with my clients.
However, my intimacy in my relationship is not something I want to share publicly online. It’s just my preference.
When you are my client, I become invested in you. I champion you. I love you.
I want to share this with you.
And part of that means opening up your eyes to what is possible in YOUR body and guiding you with tools to get there.
Like throat orgasms.
Or heart Os.
Or middle of the back Os.
(Yep it’s a thing.)
First off, what we consider an O in mainstream culture is actually a very masculine O.
A feminine O is fully bodied. Like a good Cab wine. 🍷
It’s circular. It doesn’t have a beginning middle OR end. Which means it can go on forever.
It is a state of being. Not a destination.
How does one find this?
Through EMBODIMENT. Through your SENSES. Through SLOWING down.