It seems to have been divinely orchestrated that I rear my head via blog today right on the summer solstice – the day the earth is most directly in line with the sun – ready to shine light on the liberation of our bodies.
It definitely wasn’t planned.
Neither was the fact that I opened Apple music and decided to randomly look up Christina Aguilera. Turns out she released a new album a few days ago called LIBERATION. And I intuitively chose the first song and decided to dance to it without listening to it.
This, by the way, is one of my favorite practices because similar to a new lover, discovering a song for the first time from a connected & embodied place can be magical and holds all sorts of surprises.
And OH MY goddess, did Christina have some goodness for me this morning!
I decided to do this because I’ve just come back from a month where I spent a lot of time in other people’s spaces. And I’m learning more and more that as a Human Design Projector (with no authority apparently), I have a tendency to lose myself in other people. And therefore, a really key practice for me is to take time to anchor back into me. To pull my energy back into my system, to feel the boundary of my own body, to feel the sensation of my fingertips on my skin and to tap back into my essence and my power.
But here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter whether you are a projector or not, we all tend to leak our power and lose ourselves to the world around us. Whether it’s our own “shoulds”, our families’ needs or our business’ needs – often times, we walk around not truly connected to our own experience.
We are asked to perform, to push through, to overempathize, to sacrifice and to put aside our own needs to show up for something. We wake up and go straight to DOING, instead of making space for FEELING, for being and for connecting.
It’s been 6 months since I invited you to issue yourself a permission slip. And I’m back today as a friendly reminder.
If you’re feeling exhausted by the news,
small in the scheme of the big changes the world is asking of us,
powerless in the face of the patriarchy
and heartbroken by the senselessness of what is unfolding in the world, come back to you.
Come back to your touch. Come back to your body. Come back to your being.
After hundreds of years where women’s bodies & gifts were shunned, punished and looked down upon, we now suffer from our own internalized patriarchy which shows up first and foremost in our DISTRUST and DISCONNECTION from our bodies.
So when we decide to nourish our bodies with healthy foods. When we decide to start each day with a few minutes of sensual self-touch. When we choose to listen and learn our body’s language. When we choose to plant the seeds of safety in our nervous system. When we choose to awaken our inner Aphrodite. When we choose to embody our own ecstasy, that is when we little by little, moment by moment we are reclaiming our power and stripping the patriarchy of its stronghold over us.
Eating a peach slowly is a revolutionary act.
Self-pleasuring is a revolutionary act.
Dancing is a revolutionary act.
Feeling is a revolutionary act.
Trusting your intuition is a revolutionary act.
Embodiment is what will resource us through the heartbreak.
Embodiment is what will deepen our strength.
Embodiment is what will set us free.
This year has been the deepest initiation of my life. I’ve loved and lost and leaped more than all 35 years of my life combined. I’ve expanded my capacity to hold pain & heartbreak in my body. I’ve stretched myself into a resilience dance I did not know was possible.
And so I’m ready to take my mission of embodied power & sensual nourishment to the next level.
I’m ready to hold space for woman who are rocking their life and kicking ass and want to stretch their own capacity to be with all of it, to feel all of it…
…the light AND the dark, the playful & the painful, the wonder & the weeping.
What I do best is creating a safe space for you to look at what might still be holding you back from liberating yourself into embodied power.
What I do best is curating sensual experiences that nourish & feed your soul like no spa day ever will.
What I do best is train you to stretch into being the leader that can give that back to other women.
So today, on this beautiful summer solstice…
I’m opening the doors to Embody Teacher Training 2.0!
This is an expanded & upgraded curriculum of Embody Teacher Training with more tools, more personal embodiment exercises,and more resources than ever before.
I’m also giddy with excitement to bring you Guest Teachers Nisha Moodley, Alexandra Jamieson & Rachael Maddox teaching on Embodied Leadership, Body Image & Desire, and Healing Trauma.
With a virtual retreat to kick us off.
With a sister support system to elevate you.
With coaching calls with me to expand your understanding of the program.
With a 3 day in-person retreat in sunny San Diego.
And as always, customized personal feedback from me on all your training.
“If you’ve got a fire in your veins and you weren’t made to fall in line” (thanks
Christina!) and you are ready to liberate yourself and your own community from
the shackles of your “shoulds”, from the restraints of the reactions, from the
power of the patriarchy – then apply here.
This program is specifically designed for leaders.
This is not for anyone who requires constant accountability. This is not for anyone who is not ready to stretch themselves. This is not for anyone who isn’t 100% a hell yeah to the belief that EMBODIMENT WILL SET US FREE.
If now is the time, I look forward to connecting with you.
Step 1 is filling out this application.
And if you’re ready to embark on embodiment but not ready to train as a teacher, you are always welcome to book a coaching exploration session with me instead.
Cheers to our liberation, our leadership, and our love.
Let our hearts shine brightly today and always.