
Coaching & Immersions

“Working with Nadia is like drinking nectar from your soul.

“Working with Nadia is like drinking nectar from your soul.
What most surprised me about working together was how well she could SEE me without me needing to explicitly express myself. Nadia has a true gift at seeing not only your physical body, but your energetic as well. And somehow (as Goddess’ gift to us all) find a way to reunite the two. Thank you Nadia for seeing me, holding me, and connecting me back to myself!”
Rose Wu, Storyteller + Money Psychic

“It is the best version of myself that has helped create the best version of our relationship.

“It is the best version of myself that has helped create the best version of our relationship.
There has never been a doubt in my mind that the love my boyfriend and I have for each other is pure and real and yet there was something that we needed to push us to another level. A level that created more passion, more communication and more understanding of each other’s needs. Working with Nadia took the love we already had and allowed us to nourish it, grow it and blossom it to our next level. It has allowed me to embrace the process of finding and owning my inner voice and actually trusting what it has to say. I’m eternally grateful for the work Nadia does and how she continues to allow me to step into the best version of myself. It is the best version of myself that has helped create the best version of our relationship.”
Nicole Xiques, Women’s Life Coach + Embody Teacher
“Finding you has cracked me back open and has given me clear vision on where I want to go. I recommend Embody to any woman who wants to live an orgasmic life.”
– Alia-Renee Dye, Social Media Maven + Embody Teacher
“Nadia has a way of taking you further than you think you can go.”
– Nina Camille, Owner of Experience Freedom
“Nadia has a gift of being able to read the body.”
– Amy Natalie, Feminine Empowerment Coach
“The Immersion was Magical! Would Recommend! 10/10! 5 stars on Yelp!”
– Theora Moench, Coach, Speaker & Podcast Host
“It just blew me away! Nadia is not only incredibly caring & nurturing, she holds a presence & power that brings you into the NOW. She guides like an invitation to lead yourself ”
– Kate Dineo Bradbury, Self-Love & Transformation Coach
“In the beginning, my body was screaming at me and I had no idea what she was saying. Now, it might be a whisper but I’m listening and we are speaking the same language for the first time.”
– Ebonie Allard, Award-winning Master Coach & Author

“I truly feel so much more empowered, sensual, and embodied after having Nadia as a coach.

“I truly feel so much more empowered, sensual, and embodied after having Nadia as a coach.
In the beginning of my time together with Nadia as my Coach, I was at a total crossroads with my life. I had just gotten laid off at a company I worked at for four years and I was not sure which path to turn towards. Instead of turning towards my heart, I allowed my perfectionist mindset to try to start 3 businesses at once, along with a side job. I would not allow myself to fail at anything. During our first call, I immediately grasped so much insight that I would not have unless I truly sat down and took time to explore my decisions that I have made up to this point. I am so grateful that Nadia can hold such an amazing and neutral container for transformation because, fast forward 6 short months later, I am now living a life of much less stress. I am following the guidance of my heart and allowing myself to be messy and not have to have everything pulled together. I am exploring my feminine spirit in a way that feels amazing to me, not only in my business endeavours, but in my relationships as well. Nadia’s program is a must if you are feeling called to take a deep dive into your previous patterns and programming and recreate them into new patterns so you can live your best life. I truly feel so much more empowered, sensual, and embodied after having Nadia as a coach.”
Erika Peters

“Throughout my time working with Nadia, she helped bring me slowly back to life and into my feminine flow.”

“Throughout my time working with Nadia, she helped bring me slowly back to life and into my feminine flow.”
Crystal Cave, CEO of Poppy Row
Embody Certification

“My life is on a new expansive trajectory…

“My life is on a new expansive trajectory.
I hired Nadia as a mentor and coach after training as an Embody Dance Class teacher. The practice of Embody, along with her guidance and support, has given me the tools and courage to face parts of myself I’ve been resisting for years.”
Kendra Tanner, Embodiment Coach + Embody Teacher

“As a former professional dancer, I’ve been longing to integrate movement into my coaching work

“As a former professional dancer, I’ve been longing to integrate movement into my coaching work
in a way that not only honors all body shapes and sizes, but is accessible to every woman, regardless of dance training. I believe that movement is such a vital part of a woman’s well being and that dance is such a key way to access the soul’s expressions of freedom and joy. When I took my first Embody class a few years ago, I knew I’d found something really special. I immediately knew I wanted to offer this incredible class to my community and when Nadia announced she was beginning to train teachers, I was IN! Embody teacher training has been just as impactful as taking the class and I am SO excited to share and spread this beautiful experience.”
Stephanie Burg, Transformational Coach + Embody Teacher
“I wasn’t expecting to learn exactly who I was… to really step into me and meet ME. That was probably 10 times worth the certification in itself.”
– Misha Everts, Holistic Health Coach & Embody Teacher
“I don’t think I’ve ever gone through a program that’s been so well & meticulously thought out.”
– Vanessa Knight, Embody Teacher
“What you’ve created is from true mastery. Embody has shifted my entire being and continues to!”
– Chantel Covey, Embody Teacher
“Thank you for empowering me.”
– Samia El-Mouechi, Embody Teacher
“You are the best kind of teacher because I feel loved, held and grounded & I know there’s no BS.”
– Stephanie Wagner, Embody Teacher
“Thank you for being such a model of embodied leadership.”
– Mandy Kaupp, Embody Teacher
“Thank you for strong ass leadership & your no bullshit because I feel I can trust you.”
– Lindsey Winkler, Embody Teacher
“The Certification has been one of the best things I have ever done in my life.
I feel like the experience and the lessons are still landing and sinking into my bones and I’m still discovering and starting to really see a difference in how I walk on this earth. For me, it was a huge, personal journey and accomplishment just to really connect with my own soul and truth.”

“Nadia is able to guide without doing the work for you,

“Nadia is able to guide without doing the work for you,
and makes it clear that you hold the key to unlock your own beauty. She makes working with her a truly special experience. She is honest and compassionate in approaching individual learning needs and pushed me to step into the best version of me in my daily life and as an Embody Teacher. With her discernible expertise, I am entirely confident in her techniques, feedback and teachings. I 100% recommend taking an Embody in-person and/or at-home dance class and if you feel a pull to become an Embody teacher, go for it! I have no regrets and am forever grateful for the experiences Nadia has brought to my life and that I now get to bring to my community of women.”
Halley Ceglia Terrell, LCSW, Life/Health Coach, Yoga Teacher + Embody Teacher

“I knew right away that I wanted to do the embody training, even though it meant traveling 5,000 miles.

“I knew right away that I wanted to do the embody training, even though it meant traveling 5,000 miles.
I’ve never found a class like this and I wanted more of it! I have done many fitness and yoga trainings and this was one of the best, most organized and comprehensive trainings I’ve even done. Nadia gave us a wealth of support, information, and education in easy to absorb and learn ways. I felt held through the process, she made sure no one fell through the cracks, and by the end I felt fully prepared and excited to teach classes!
The in-person portion of the training was incredibly powerful. Women coming together always leaves me transformed, and this was no exception! The support and encouragement of all the women and especially Nadia, was exactly what I needed! I learned a tremendous amount and I left feeling filled and prepared for teaching.
Since the training I have taught my first class and every woman there raved about the experience. My soul felt so full! I am looking forward to all my future classes! Thank you Nadia!“
Cara Viana, Transformational Life and Business Coach + Embody Teacher
Embody Class

“Nadia is a true artist of embodiment.

“Nadia is a true artist of embodiment.
I can say with absolute enthusiasm that her class is my favorite movement class that I’ve ever taken. Archetypal Embodiment that will blow your heart open.”
Nisha Moodley, Women’s Leadership Coach

“It felt as good as an hour of great sex.

“It felt as good as an hour of great sex.
Within minutes I felt so safe and free to fully surrender that I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Throughout the class I experienced more bliss, joy and freedom than I ever have in 1 hour. It felt as good as an hour of great sex!
The music is epic as is Nadia’s guidance. The best part though is how Nadia makes you feel safe to express and experience your full range as a woman.“
Allison Braun, Business & Lifestyle Success Coach

“Embody is the perfect addition to any live event!

“Embody is the perfect addition to any live event!
Nadia takes participants on a movement journey through all their different archetypal energies using everything from Katy Perry to Beastie Boys to Sufi music. This workshop is the perfect way for women to peel off their every day persona and get deeply rooted in their authentic & vulnerable selves.
I have included Embody in my weekend retreats & mastermind events because her ability to get women out of their heads and into their embodied power is truly a gift and an integral piece to a successful, transformational event.”
Jeannine Yoder, NY Times Featured Life Coach + Embody Teacher

“I went into Nadia’s class expecting a fun workout, but what I got was so much more.

“I went into Nadia’s class expecting a fun workout, but what I got was so much more.
Nadia’s work are deeply healing on a level I’ve never experienced before. It’s like moving meditation combined with sensuality coaching – all to a killer playlist.”
Becca Piastrelli, Founder of The Dabblist
“This is otherworldly. The ways I was able to feel, move and be so present…
I’ve done 5 rhythms before and thought that was incredible. But THIS. This is otherworldly. The ways I was able to feel, move and be so present in my body were amazing. I had an aha moment laying in savasana where I had clarity for the first time in who I’m here to serve. I felt it in my body. Thank you so much for that gift“
“My roommate and I loved your session so so much.
We’re Zumba and dance fit instructors and thought we didn’t have any “baggage” going into that session. Wow. I never knew that the permission to move my body however I felt inclined would be so freeing and that I did have quite a bit of stuff that I was holding onto that cake up and was let go. I was so surprised at how all of the women in the room were moving so freely without a specific routine. If you’d try that in a Zumba class, it would never work. People would freak out. Here though…it worked. It worked SO beautifully that it brought me to tears. I want to become certified in this because this is my next level.”
“I just completed my first session with you. Holy f*king shit! (Sorry, I don’t have any other words).
I have suppressed it all for 30+ years. I have kept my mouth shut and put a fucking smile on my face, saying everything is fine! I am great! What a croc of shit! I am so done with holding it all in and keeping myself captive.
I managed to release so much pain and even hate! An emotion I didn’t realize I was carrying inside of me. I wasn’t ready for it to come to an end.“

“Nadia guided us beautifully through a range of emotions and gave me the space to feel free…

“Nadia guided us beautifully through a range of emotions and gave me the space to feel free…
…and process what my heart was saying. This was my first time dancing post pregnancy and baby–I’m grateful to Nadia for holding such a safe and generous space for my body.”
Lori Berkowitz, Boudoir Photographer

“There are few body-positive, self-love, pleasure-filled spaces that truly live up to their hype. Embody absolutely does.

“There are few body-positive, self-love, pleasure-filled spaces that truly live up to their hype. Embody absolutely does.
When we laid in savasana at the end, I found myself sobbing tears of gratitude. For the first time in longer than I can remember, I had moments completely free of pain. I wasn’t ignoring, repressing, or feeling it: it just wasn’t there.”
Kaitlyn Scalisi, Sex & Relationship Coach

“Thank you for another beautiful experience.

“Thank you for another beautiful experience.
I needed the hug I gave myself more than I knew. I felt the loneliness I experienced as an only child and squeezed her HARD. It was eye opening, I hadn’t realized how much I was carrying that around with me. I allowed myself to really feel into my body and do what it wanted swatting away any judgment that came in… And by doing that, I really felt so deeply connected to myself, to my sexiness and to my playful soul.
I again felt such a release and a freedom during every song. I had so much FUN too! When it ended I was really wishing the class had been longer. Love it so much. I can’t wait for the next!”
Katie Tyson

“I had been stuck in making an effort towards any kind of movement for over a year.

“I had been stuck in making an effort towards any kind of movement for over a year.
All the things that used to interest me just made me cringe at dedicating any time to it. I was intrigued and curious about this dance class. I had no idea that it would melt away any resistance I was having towards exercise. During the class I felt so alive and light. Afterwards, I realized that sweating and feeling the fluidity of my body flow with the music was just what I needed – instead of the hard core running on the pavement. Thank you for awakening my body and soul to the fullest!”
Jenn Bradshaw Almond, Wholistic Kinesiologist