We all want it.
The deep full-body sigh.
The purr that ripples through your whole body.
The delicious melting that oozes out of every pore.
But how to receive this bountiful beauty?
When we talk about ecstasy, rapture, deep sensual surrender, we always think about relaxing into our feminine.
This is a Myth.
There are a few portals in. And they are best used in Union. Integrated. Infused. Intertwined.
It’s always a dance.
The Yin and Yang. The Alpha and Omega. The Vessel and the Energy. The Masculine and the Feminine.
The ecstatic exhale is as much about cultivating your Masculine capacity as your Feminine capacity.
I’ll give you a hint… There are two pieces.
- Follow your pleasure
- Building your Structure.
Most people only follow one. That is why they are broke. Or that is why they are rich but unhappy.
I teach BOTH of these concepts in the Embody Certification, the most in-depth Embodiment Mentorship program I offer.
I teach this so you can live integrated: happy AND wealthy. Feminine AND masculine. Self-loving AND of service.
The Early Bird deadline is October 25, but I imagine the spots may be snagged before then.
Get all the info at EmbodyCertification.com