The Ecstatic Exhale

We all want it. ⁠

The deep full-body sigh. ⁠
The purr that ripples through your whole body.
The delicious melting that oozes out of every pore.⁠

But how to receive this bountiful beauty?⁠ 

⁠When we talk about ecstasy, rapture, deep sensual surrender, we always think about relaxing into our feminine.⁠

This is a Myth. ⁠

⁠There are a few portals in. And they are best used in Union. Integrated. Infused. Intertwined.⁠

It’s always a dance.⁠ 

The Yin and Yang. The Alpha and Omega. The Vessel and the Energy. The Masculine and the Feminine.⁠

⁠The ecstatic exhale is as much about cultivating your Masculine capacity as your Feminine capacity. ⁠

I’ll give you a hint… There are two pieces. ⁠

  1. Follow your pleasure ⁠


  1. Building your Structure.⁠

Most people only follow one. That is why they are broke. Or that is why they are rich but unhappy. ⁠

⁠I teach BOTH of these concepts in the Embody Certification, the most in-depth Embodiment Mentorship program I offer. ⁠

⁠I teach this so you can live integrated: happy AND wealthy. Feminine AND masculine. Self-loving AND of service⁠.⁠

The Early Bird deadline is October 25, but I imagine the spots may be snagged before then. ⁠

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