One thing I’ve never understood is the motto: “Be Fearless”
To me, this undermines the wisdom of our bodies.
✨ Fear is a friend.✨
Fear is simply a combination of sensations that you feel when your wise animal body detects threat to your survival.
(If you are into more official words, it is when the autonomic nervous system switches from parasympathetic (rest + digest) into sympathetic (run, fight or hide biatch!)
✨ Fear is what often saves your life – if you listen. ✨
If a deer overrides that sensation of “I think something is behind me” for more than a millisecond, that deer is dead.
We have the same system.
Sometimes, it misfires.
Sometimes, our credit card bill fires it up.
Sometimes, an honest conversation fires it up.
Sometimes, our loving partner fires it up.
Yes, that’s our work to do.
But, ultimately, it is there to keep us alive.
So, check in with yourself today…
🔹Are you overriding the nudge that something is off?
🔹Are you pretending you don’t feel your fists clenching and your heart beating?
🔹Are you avoiding the desire to run as fast as you can?
🔹Are you in complete freeze bingeing an entire TV season on netflix to avoid the news?
Just notice.
✨Now, more than ever, it is important that we allow our wise animal bodies to lead.✨
Or else, our spirit will die.