I say this often.
I teach Embodiment because I believe it will save our planet…
Because I believe that more embodied humans will heal the world…
Because I am in the business of making love to the Universe…
I am dropping people into their bodies so they can be more connected to their breath…
Being more connected to their breath means they will be more connected to life force…
Being more connected to life force means they will be more 0rgasmic…
Being more 0rgasmic means you will be more opening, loving, nourished…
Being more nourished means you won’t need to extract from outside you to feel better…
Which means you won’t need to extract from the planet to feel better.
We know that s*exual energy is simply life force energy.
And so it would make sense that Life force is what will keep life on the planet.
So… sure, I recycle. I support whatever steps and legislation will help improve our impact on Pacha Mamma.
AND my focus is on getting people more infused with life force.
Because THAT is what is actually going to save us.
Between the global warming crisis, the extinction of more species and the absolute raping of our forests, it’s understandable that we would be in a state of panic and overwhelm about our planet. Our mother. The source of all life.
Teslas, an increase in renewable energy and banning single-use plastic are all beautiful steps forward but it’s not enough.
We should all be in the business of making love to the Universe.
Nothing else matters.
Want to get more humans embodied?
Embody Teacher Training begins in July.
This is an investment in yourself, your community and the future of the planet.
It’s also really fucking fun. Ask my current Teachers.
I’m taking applications this week.
If you are on the East Coast, I am looking to add an NYC in-person weekend that you can swap out instead of coming to San Diego in October. If you are interested, apply this week so I can gauge interest and save you some travel costs!