You Are Not a Healer

A big part of why there is such a guru complex in the spirituality, healing and personal development spaces is because there are people who think they are healers. ⁠

And there are people who place that responsibility on their teachers.⁠

Let’s be clear. This is codependency. ⁠

This isn’t healing.⁠

My number one goal ALL THE TIME with every client is empowerment and agency.⁠

In Embody class, my goal is to have my students learn the language of their body.⁠

In my coaching programs, my goal is to have my clients walk away able to coach themselves.⁠

In both cases, the idea is self-reliance and self-trust.⁠

As teachers and coaches and leaders, ⁠

We are here to facilitate a healing space.⁠

We are NOT the healer. ⁠

Life force is the healer. The body is the healer.⁠

Our job is creating the environment that fosters healing, that fosters communication with the true force of power… that’s it. ⁠

We can create the environment that fosters healing but let’s be very clear. ⁠

The body is the only healer here.

My signature program, Embody by Nadia, is now enrolling for 2022. Let your body lead.

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