Have you ever written your pleasure list? A list of all things in the world, big or small, that make you go “mmmmm” with a smile? Cuz I highly recommend it.
This month has been incredibly hard for me. I’ve been in a mental rut. Ok this is an understatement. It feels like I’m stuck in quicksand and trying to breath but there ain’t no oxygen – just sand in my lungs. There you go. Your health coach is going through a crisis.
I wanted to share this tool with you because sometimes we are in a funk and all the yoga, meditation, green juicing and netflix binge-watching are just not gonna cut it. (Trust me, I’ve tried 3 different types of yogas in the last week and drinking more water than EVER.)
Sometimes, we need something simpler. A reminder of what brings us pleasure… so we can look at the list of things we love and we can point our finger to one and go: I’m gonna go get that! Cuz everything else sorta sucks right now.
And instantly you have gone from total victimhood to just partial ☺ Baby steps, right?
Anyway, I had so much fun doing this and was instantly uplifted. I could have gone on FOREVER but I know you only have 5 minutes to read this post so I cut it short.
I invite you all to write your pleasure list and share it in the comments below.
So without further ado, here is mine:
Jasmine Green tea
Love notes from my honey
Soft 100% modal sheets
The type of relaxing breeze that merits a nap in a hammock
Black cotton wife beater tanks
Cold steel between my thighs
The happy look on my boo’s face when he tastes something I cooked
Yoga class with Sam Chase on Mondays & Wednesdays at noon
Warm laundry
The soft comforting touch of an S friend during moving meditation
Geeking out on new nutritional theories
A massage with lavender essential oil
A realllllly good cabernet sauvignon
The quiet of 5am
Toes in warm sand
Purple with gold & turquoise with orange
Jasmine flowers
The feeling of scratching that last item off the to-do list
Hearing nothing while meditating
A good tear-jerker film
Saturday brunch with my S gals
Hand-written letters
Salt rock lamps
The steady look on my baby’s face when I’m upset, the one that says “I got you.”
Getting a surprise international call from Walid Ghazal every few months
The sound of my boot slamming against the S floor when I dance
Lemon tarts
Seeing a rainbow of colors on the cutting board when I’m prepping a meal
The safety of my man’s chest
Time with my beautifully gorgeous goddess coaching clients
Victory Garden’s Goat’s milk ice cream
The smell of sautéed garlic & greens
The peace in Snatam Kaur’s voice
Cups of coffee with Jamie Jensen under a blanket
The magic and ecstasy of witnessing my students vulnerably unravel their story through their bodies at S
A hot soup on a cold day
Hugs from anyone who smells good
The butterflies in my belly when I’m holding my man’s hand as we de-board a plane in a foreign land.
A deep deep breath.