We’ve been measuring wealth all wrong.
It has nothing to do with the number in your bank account,
And it has EVERYTHING to do with how much LIFE FORCE you have coursing through you.
It has nothing to do with your business’ bottom line,
And EVERYTHING to do with how aligned it is to your authentic expression and work in the world.
It has nothing to do with your credit score and EVERYTHING to do with your ability to be indebted to your divinity.
It has nothing to do with the size of your house/team/car and EVERYTHING to do with who you are sharing the magically-mundane moments with.
We’ve got it all wrong.
We have our eyes on the wrong prize.
We are running in the wrong direction.
The dollar bills are holding you hostage.
To a dream that’s void.
Like buying a huge piece of land that has dead soil.
Sure, you have 100 acres. 100 acres of nothingness.
Or you can have 1 acre of luscious, nutrient-dense soil.
Which do you want?
Let me be clear. I want all the dolla dolla bills. Right there with you.
Money is a liberator.
Money is a friend.
Money is a door.
A door to more support. A door to more experience. A door to more creativity.
But my personal approach to money and getting rich is about cultivating the one-acre of soil you have into the best motherfuckin’ piece of land there is.
I’m talking about getting into your inner landscape and really looking at what weeds and limiting beliefs and body patterns need to be removed.
I’m talking about tending and loving up on what is already there to make it lush AF.
I’m talking about learning how to fish – not steal fish from others by learning a sleazy sales script that manipulates people’s pain points into looking the other way – while you take the fish and run.
Your body IS your business.
I see so many entrepreneurs diving into the building of their business like a sprint.
Throwing the equivalent of Round-Up on their business – in hopes of hacking and hyping their way into RICHNESS.
The same way crash-dieting harms your body in the long run.
These business tactics harm your business in the long run.
And more importantly, they harm YOU.
They strip you of nutrients. Of richness in your life.
They rob you of time with your family, your partner, your friends.
They kidnap your joy and sensuality and softness.
And they hold hostage your heart while you overwork your mind.
Your body IS your business.
The feeling of richness. The feeling of lusciousness. The feeling of vibrancy.
Tell me, what are you going to invest in?
There are currently TWO ways you can invest in your aliveness.
The Embody Certification:
A Mentorship Program for Leaders & Entrepreneurs ready to deepen and expand their service to the world through embodiment.
If you’ve been wanting to completely shift the experience you have in your own body.
If you’re ready to step into the woman you KNOW you can be.
If you’re wanting to facilitate this work for others.
This is the program for you.