The Dance Demons

The Dance Demons

Ever go to a dance class, and halfway through, swear you will never again return to another dance class ever? That was me this week, lol. I love...

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My article in Elephant Journal

My article in Elephant Journal

We’ve heard it over and over again—the laundry list of meditation benefits: Stress relief, mental focus, stamina, happiness, better sex life, better...

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The Art of Purring

The Art of Purring

It’s the same every year. We hit November and we’re thinking about all the things we can postpone till January. In January, I’ll get my hustle on....

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Sighing into Surrender

Sighing into Surrender

  “What do I need to know?” I asked her. Step by step, with pebbles crunching under my feet, I walked the labyrinth. Hearing only the inhale...

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