What Do I Get Out Of Being Embodied?
Here’s just a sliver of what my clients celebrated this year: ✨ Finally setting boundaries with clients and family members and freeing themselves...
Embody Teacher Feature – Amber
Each month we feature one of our Embody Teachers. This month is Amber Wheatley! Calm and enchanting, Amber lovingly guides her students through a...
Are You a Lover or a Fighter? (…And can we be both?)
There are two energies from which you can create. Love. Or Fear. Most of what is being built these days is out of fear. Chemically, fear...
I’m Addicted to Heartbreak
As much as it hurts to feel the gut-wrenching pain of my heart breaking into a thousand pieces, ...There is something about it that I absolute...
I’m Heartbroken
Here’s the truth. I’m heartbroken. The fire that burns in my belly is a fire of love. ❤️🔥 Love for our aliveness. Our planet. Our...
🎶 Let’s talk about Sex, Baby 🎶
I’m often talking about… 💫 Embodied Power 💫 Embodied Leadership 💫 Embodied Living But today I want to talk about EMBODIED SEX. I don’t...
Embody Teacher Feature – Amy
Each month we feature one of our Embody Teachers. This month is Amy Pamensky! Amy Natalie is a Women's Empowerment coach, Embody Teacher, and a...
Where Are The Leaders? (A Dose of Tough Love)
I hear all the coaches and online entrepreneurs talking about the importance of Embodiment. But I’m not seeing you walking your talk. I’m...
Enough Doing, Are You Feeling?
There’s a lot of doing doing doing. But have you created space for the feeling? Everyone is running around talking about feminine leadership...
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